Wednesday, April 6, 2011


“I want ice cream, mom!” announced young Lilly in a discourteous manner.
 “We don’t have any.”  
“But I really really want some,” Lilly continued, “can I please?”
Docile and gentle her mother repeated, ”I would give you some Ice cream if I had any.”
“I want ice cr…”
“But I don’t!”, she finished.
Confused young Lilly looked at her with her big brown eyes, begging, “Please mommy, please.”
“Why not?”
“Because!” peevishly she glanced at her daughter, “we do not, I repeat, do not have any ice cream here.”  Furrowing her brow, she gives it one more try, ”I will ask dad if he can get some when he’s back, agreed?”
Tramping and screaming young Lilly demanded,” I want ice cream,” and ending it in a low note, “now!”
“Why are you such a demanding child?”
The door opens and a young man enters, he can almost see the steam coming from his wife’s head, ”are you alright?”
“Don’t ask,” trying to catch herself, she serenely looks him in the eyes, “how was work? Can I get you something to drink?”
“Naw,” he throws his jacket on the sofa,” But I would love some ice cream.”

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