Wednesday, May 25, 2011

Letter of concern

Joleen Schertel

2666 Evergreen Dr.
Penticton, B.C.
V2A 8C6

May 25, 2011

Mr. Kleats
123 Mainstreet
Sportstown, B.C.
V2A 3W1

Dear Mr. Kleats:

My name is Joleen Schertel, we have met on certain occasions, as you might recognize me as the mother of one of your students, Mike. Knowing how much time and effort You put into this team I am hoping to inform you of some concerns I have, since the wellbeing of Your soccer team and its members is as dear to me as I am sure it is to You.

It is in my best interest to stress the importance of your presence. Your students are devoted to your team and their sport. The success of our players is a direct result of the effort you put into this team. Having all players be at an age where discipline isn’t first priority, I know first hand how exertive training this team must be. It is because of their age though that we have to keep in mind what impact our actions have on these children.  

By setting good examples for our children; clear communication, punctuality, and positive, encouraging guidance,positive coaching  can make the best of the team and children.
I hope that this letter will be an encouragenment to finish the season strong.
Feel free to contact me, I would be more than happy to help in any way.


Joleen Schertel

Monday, May 9, 2011

Saving todays youth - be a grumpy!

I would like to write this essay in honour of the old days; when school was school and rules were rules.
It gives me shivers thinking back to the times when kids had to stand in corners, bring home red notes, or get in trouble for walking the hallways. It is a shame today's youth never got to live the dream of constant repression. I can feel their pain.

Today's world is alot more demanding of course. When students walk the hallways teachers greet them with a smile on their face, leaving the helpless student no choice but to respond, "good morning sir.". When they arrive late to class, the teacher's brain goes on standby as soon as he sees the exculpation muffin. And when the student ignores any form of teaching, clinging to the hope that maybe and only maybe if he put enough work into starting an annoying conversation, not a bit related to the classroom discussion, with his innocent seating partner, than maybe he could incur some wrath. Fatal disappointment awaits.
The teacher responds, for a moment he leaves a pause that could end in the volitional explosion the student is so desperately poised for. But what does he get? First a friendly request for silence, and after the student repeated trying for some justice,the teacher goes into fighting mode. Trying to relate to the student the teacher now tries to be part of the unrelated teenager talk. "No homework, and you guys deserve some social time, lets just start the lesson tomorrow." The students world; it's crashed. What does one have to do for a little indebtedness, a little punishment?

School is not what it used to be. Day by day, thousands of students all over the world have to put on a smile, and live a better life. With re-tests, no zeroes policies and understanding teachers, the natural life of teenagers is cruel and endangered. So do your part; help save today's teenagers. There is alot you can do: ground them, scream and yell, try not be understanding... for tips on how to annoy your teenager visit or call for a free consultation.

Monday, April 18, 2011

Living out the script of my life

The 2004 hit single "Curtain falls" by the British boy band "Blue", was one of their last singles published. The background music is virtually identical to that of Coolio's 1995 hit, "Gangsta's Paradise", as they both share usage of a sample of Stevie Wonder's "Pastime Paradise". " Curtain Falls" is used as analogy, comparing their celebrity life to the life and changes the singers will face now that the curtains fall and they each try to life a normal life again.
Using the simile, "Its like a game of truth or dare", 'Blue' describes their rise as a game: ready to win it all they could loose it all facing not only the world but themselves - embarrassment, loss of privacy and fame.
"Together we faced the cold outside", is an understatement and an metonymy, referring to the changes and difficulties the band had to face.
Making it in London over night the lyrics state," If you can make it here you will make it anywhere," is an allusion, a phrase that everyone has heard before.
Doing what most people only dream of, travelling the world, performing in sold out stadiums the band has to "read between the lines of the script of [their] life," using the script as a symbol of the life they were supposed to life but left behind.

We come from humble beginnings and
Who could have guessed it when
You sit and doubt it and
Things ain't all that bright
But we made it though the night
It's like a game of truth or dare
If you can make it here
You'll make it anywhere
That's what we've been told
But the stories getting old

Together we faced the cold outside
No one can say we didn't try                                                      
And I will never give you up or let you go
Together we faced our final fears
Remember the moments that we shared
That's why I'll never give you up or let you go

We'll be ready when the curtain might fall
Feel my heart beating when the crowd calls
I gotta read between the lines
Cuz I'm living out the script of my life
Cuz we all got a part we must play
And I've done it but I've done it my way
I gotta read between the lines
Oohh (oohh)
In the script of my life

We started out many years ago
No one will ever know
How far we've really come
Since we walked away
And no more words to say
And we made a lot of sacrifice
Undid a lot of ties
Fought a lot of fights
To get where we are now
Just don't ask me how
We'll be ready when the curtain might fall
Feel my heart beating when the crowd calls
I gotta read between the lines
Cuz I'm living out the script of my life
Cuz we all got a part we must play
And I've done it but I've done it my way
I gotta read between the lines
In the script of my life

Wednesday, April 6, 2011


“I want ice cream, mom!” announced young Lilly in a discourteous manner.
 “We don’t have any.”  
“But I really really want some,” Lilly continued, “can I please?”
Docile and gentle her mother repeated, ”I would give you some Ice cream if I had any.”
“I want ice cr…”
“But I don’t!”, she finished.
Confused young Lilly looked at her with her big brown eyes, begging, “Please mommy, please.”
“Why not?”
“Because!” peevishly she glanced at her daughter, “we do not, I repeat, do not have any ice cream here.”  Furrowing her brow, she gives it one more try, ”I will ask dad if he can get some when he’s back, agreed?”
Tramping and screaming young Lilly demanded,” I want ice cream,” and ending it in a low note, “now!”
“Why are you such a demanding child?”
The door opens and a young man enters, he can almost see the steam coming from his wife’s head, ”are you alright?”
“Don’t ask,” trying to catch herself, she serenely looks him in the eyes, “how was work? Can I get you something to drink?”
“Naw,” he throws his jacket on the sofa,” But I would love some ice cream.”

Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bullying - sad reality or media buzz

Name calling, teasing, joking, kidding...when is too far too far? Bullying seems to be a growing problem in our society and Canadian High schools. It could be a question of gender, race, religion, size, social or financial background and almost everyone fits into a category, having a reason to be bullied. The signs are everywhere, from cyber-bullying to messages on bathroom walls.
MCLEAN'S visited Princess Margaret Secondary School, in Penticton B.C.,  to investigate the controversy on how bullying affects Canadian teenagers.
Princess Margaret Secondary School lies in the sunny Okanagan, a small town with a population of approx. 40,000. With a mixed population of mainly Caucasians, east Indians and Aboriginals, "Maggie" seems to have a healthy, balanced mix.

As we talked to students and teachers it appears that it is not a pure question of yes or no.
Trying to make a positive impact on students teachers work hard, Mr.Grady, Vice Principal of Princess Margaret Secondary, states: " I do not believe that we have a severe bullying problem at our school, but I do believe that we have to keep being aware of that so it won't become one."
With monthly A.I.R. (Accountability, Integrity, Respect) lessons, anti bullying weeks and activities, and a 'be the change' workshop students at "Maggie" seem to have a strong and trusting relationship to their teachers and peers.

As we talk to students the opinions are mixed, while most of them have a positive outlook. A Grade 11 boy states:"We don't have a bullying problem at Maggi! we might pull things on each other but we would never intentionally hurt someone. We're like family."
As we make our way through the school, it shows that respect is a big component of the Maggi environment, but by the end of the day we our self become unwelcome visitors of a conflict based scene on racism. Sitting on the hallway floor the group of ninth graders does not receve much attention until we note a student standing over a fellow student of Japanese descent. "Move it, Chinese..!!" Stating the tone of his voice and the victims expression it is clear that even though it was not a terrible or physical attack, it was clearly meant to hurt.

Sad reality or media buzz? As of the PMSS students and our observations Maggie does not have a bullying problem. Unfortunately the younger the student the less the respect and the more the motivation to power struggle. Gratefully senior classes take over to lead the way and make a change for what Maggi calls:
"Spirit is in the A.I.R.".

Monday, February 7, 2011

College application essay

I am exceedingly smart. People apotheosize me. By the age of 10, I already went through the entire school system. From grade 1 to 12 and back from 12 to 7. My life story is worth millions. So is my make up collection. I love pets. I have three cats and one unicorn. I am the proud owner of a Lamborghini Revento`n  and a glitter gel pen.

My dad runs a multi million dollar family business.I work at Mac Donalds's. I can not deny my love for selling Hamburgers and  fries. I strongly believe in living my life as a vegetarian.

In my early years I used to be a body builder. In the following years I gained 142 pounds. Last year I won the biggest looser. I now volunteer in a bakery. I still love black forest cake.
I came up with 200 different fruit pie recipe in the past 6 months. 8 of those are actually good.

My first accomplishment was climbing the Mount Everset at the world record. I am devoted to bungee jumping and high diving, even though I am afraid of heights.
I am a leraner, I am a leader, I am genuine, I am wise, I am commited to excellence. One day i hope my partner for life will be Jack Black.

I can reach my nose with my toe and my ear with my finger. I can run faster than Robert Pattinson in Twilight and can create more magic than Harry Potter in Harry Potter.

I am the perfect applicant for a college with an average around and below Ok. I am the perfect applicant for a college like yours.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grade 12 essay

"I can do this...just one more step,.... and open the door...uff finally."
You're starving, your stomach is aching, finally, afyer an exhausting two minute ride and a ten second walk from the school parking lot to the closest Tim Horton's, you are standing infront of a counter filled with delicious food.
There they are; soft, sweet, glazed and chocolaty.
You encounter the second challenge; choosing the right one.
So you scrumble together all the loose pennies you can find, oh yeah you deserve the big chocolate chunk muffin. There you are, fingers all sticky, eyes wide open,you can almost taste it.
"'s...,darn it's... poppy seeds??? chocolate??" No chocolate, just poopy seeds and raisins.
Dissapointment is written all over your face.
It's just like Highschool. "Highschool is like dissapointing pastry?"
No, that's not what i am trying to say; Highschool and the people associated with it aren't always what you take them for.
For example; you enter Mr. Gibson's room with a bag filled with home-made cookies.
He acts interested: "Joleen tell me about your life in Germany." Ofcourse, what he is actually saying is; "you know you have to share cookies with me, right?" At this point you can choose to either tell him about your life, or offer him a cookie. Say you decide to tell him about Germany, your conversation will probably end here, because all he reply after a not so interesting life story, since you are busy protecting your lunch, will be; "oh, really. interesting". Which pretty much means : "you know this would have been the right time to offer me a cookie!"
Another example would be Mr. VC asking you to write an essay that is funny instead of filled with words to impress, afterall we should be able to be deep. What he is actually asking for is;" please don't make me spend my night looking up words that i can't remember the meaning of."
Or Mr. Fraset not allowing anyone to bring food into his class, unless you came to compliment him on his yearbook pages, or letting you 'go talk to Mr. Kocksis', instead of keeping you in class until you eventually sneak out anyway.
Yes, Highschool taught us that life isn't always black or white. But atleast school tries to prepare us for what's to come.
Fist of all; if you have an upcoming test, be prepared: bake cookies.
Second;  be rsponsible: don't forget to bring them to your techer on time.
And most important; study: what kind of cookies does the teacher like best.
Ofcourse i realize that getting teachers food isn't the best and only way to get good grades.
So instead of wasting my time baking cookies, i will spent it working on a wonderful assignment.
Afterall, writing englsih essays is my true passion, englsih is the only subject we really need, and Mr. VC is my one and only favourite teacher.