Thursday, February 24, 2011

Bullying - sad reality or media buzz

Name calling, teasing, joking, kidding...when is too far too far? Bullying seems to be a growing problem in our society and Canadian High schools. It could be a question of gender, race, religion, size, social or financial background and almost everyone fits into a category, having a reason to be bullied. The signs are everywhere, from cyber-bullying to messages on bathroom walls.
MCLEAN'S visited Princess Margaret Secondary School, in Penticton B.C.,  to investigate the controversy on how bullying affects Canadian teenagers.
Princess Margaret Secondary School lies in the sunny Okanagan, a small town with a population of approx. 40,000. With a mixed population of mainly Caucasians, east Indians and Aboriginals, "Maggie" seems to have a healthy, balanced mix.

As we talked to students and teachers it appears that it is not a pure question of yes or no.
Trying to make a positive impact on students teachers work hard, Mr.Grady, Vice Principal of Princess Margaret Secondary, states: " I do not believe that we have a severe bullying problem at our school, but I do believe that we have to keep being aware of that so it won't become one."
With monthly A.I.R. (Accountability, Integrity, Respect) lessons, anti bullying weeks and activities, and a 'be the change' workshop students at "Maggie" seem to have a strong and trusting relationship to their teachers and peers.

As we talk to students the opinions are mixed, while most of them have a positive outlook. A Grade 11 boy states:"We don't have a bullying problem at Maggi! we might pull things on each other but we would never intentionally hurt someone. We're like family."
As we make our way through the school, it shows that respect is a big component of the Maggi environment, but by the end of the day we our self become unwelcome visitors of a conflict based scene on racism. Sitting on the hallway floor the group of ninth graders does not receve much attention until we note a student standing over a fellow student of Japanese descent. "Move it, Chinese..!!" Stating the tone of his voice and the victims expression it is clear that even though it was not a terrible or physical attack, it was clearly meant to hurt.

Sad reality or media buzz? As of the PMSS students and our observations Maggie does not have a bullying problem. Unfortunately the younger the student the less the respect and the more the motivation to power struggle. Gratefully senior classes take over to lead the way and make a change for what Maggi calls:
"Spirit is in the A.I.R.".

Monday, February 7, 2011

College application essay

I am exceedingly smart. People apotheosize me. By the age of 10, I already went through the entire school system. From grade 1 to 12 and back from 12 to 7. My life story is worth millions. So is my make up collection. I love pets. I have three cats and one unicorn. I am the proud owner of a Lamborghini Revento`n  and a glitter gel pen.

My dad runs a multi million dollar family business.I work at Mac Donalds's. I can not deny my love for selling Hamburgers and  fries. I strongly believe in living my life as a vegetarian.

In my early years I used to be a body builder. In the following years I gained 142 pounds. Last year I won the biggest looser. I now volunteer in a bakery. I still love black forest cake.
I came up with 200 different fruit pie recipe in the past 6 months. 8 of those are actually good.

My first accomplishment was climbing the Mount Everset at the world record. I am devoted to bungee jumping and high diving, even though I am afraid of heights.
I am a leraner, I am a leader, I am genuine, I am wise, I am commited to excellence. One day i hope my partner for life will be Jack Black.

I can reach my nose with my toe and my ear with my finger. I can run faster than Robert Pattinson in Twilight and can create more magic than Harry Potter in Harry Potter.

I am the perfect applicant for a college with an average around and below Ok. I am the perfect applicant for a college like yours.

Wednesday, February 2, 2011

Grade 12 essay

"I can do this...just one more step,.... and open the door...uff finally."
You're starving, your stomach is aching, finally, afyer an exhausting two minute ride and a ten second walk from the school parking lot to the closest Tim Horton's, you are standing infront of a counter filled with delicious food.
There they are; soft, sweet, glazed and chocolaty.
You encounter the second challenge; choosing the right one.
So you scrumble together all the loose pennies you can find, oh yeah you deserve the big chocolate chunk muffin. There you are, fingers all sticky, eyes wide open,you can almost taste it.
"'s...,darn it's... poppy seeds??? chocolate??" No chocolate, just poopy seeds and raisins.
Dissapointment is written all over your face.
It's just like Highschool. "Highschool is like dissapointing pastry?"
No, that's not what i am trying to say; Highschool and the people associated with it aren't always what you take them for.
For example; you enter Mr. Gibson's room with a bag filled with home-made cookies.
He acts interested: "Joleen tell me about your life in Germany." Ofcourse, what he is actually saying is; "you know you have to share cookies with me, right?" At this point you can choose to either tell him about your life, or offer him a cookie. Say you decide to tell him about Germany, your conversation will probably end here, because all he reply after a not so interesting life story, since you are busy protecting your lunch, will be; "oh, really. interesting". Which pretty much means : "you know this would have been the right time to offer me a cookie!"
Another example would be Mr. VC asking you to write an essay that is funny instead of filled with words to impress, afterall we should be able to be deep. What he is actually asking for is;" please don't make me spend my night looking up words that i can't remember the meaning of."
Or Mr. Fraset not allowing anyone to bring food into his class, unless you came to compliment him on his yearbook pages, or letting you 'go talk to Mr. Kocksis', instead of keeping you in class until you eventually sneak out anyway.
Yes, Highschool taught us that life isn't always black or white. But atleast school tries to prepare us for what's to come.
Fist of all; if you have an upcoming test, be prepared: bake cookies.
Second;  be rsponsible: don't forget to bring them to your techer on time.
And most important; study: what kind of cookies does the teacher like best.
Ofcourse i realize that getting teachers food isn't the best and only way to get good grades.
So instead of wasting my time baking cookies, i will spent it working on a wonderful assignment.
Afterall, writing englsih essays is my true passion, englsih is the only subject we really need, and Mr. VC is my one and only favourite teacher.